Legal information Legal information - legal entity

The website is edited by: Sodibraganca Lda, Sociedade por Quotaswith a capital of 110000.0 euros, with registered office at Rua EM564 N67 5000-325 Mondrões, registered with the Portugal de Bragança administration under number 1700/20050110intra-community VAT number: 507185234. The publishing director is Mrs/Mr Sodibragança Lda, Rua EM564 N67 5000-325 Mondrões, e-mail: [email protected], telephone: +351916445178.The website is hosted by the company Amenitiz solutions SL, Cl Plaza Urquinaona Num.4 P.1 Pta.c 08010 - Barcelona, +33 1 86 65 02 09

Privacy Policy & Cookie Policy

The purpose of this privacy policy (hereinafter the "Policy") is to explain to you the rules governing the various processing operations that may be carried out when you use our website, accessible from the URL address: (hereinafter the "Site").
The processing of personal data implemented from the Site is the responsibility of two joint data controllers.
The persons responsible for processing your personal data are:
The company Amenitiz Solutions (hereinafter "Amenitiz"), which manages the deSodibraganca Lda website.
Amenitiz is registered under CIF number B67096750 in Barcelona, Spain. Its registered office is located at 4, Plaza d'Urquinaona, 08010 Barcelona, Spain.
Amenitiz supports hosting professionals by offering them a digital platform hosted in SaaS mode, enabling them to create a website for their hosting activity.
Sodibraganca Lda
This company is registered with the Portuguese Administration of Bragança under number 1700/20050110 (hereinafter the "Establishment"). Its registered office is at Rua EM564 N67 5000-325 Mondrões.
E-mail address of the Data Protection Officer at the Institution: [email protected].
Amenitiz and the Institution are hereinafter jointly referred to as the "Data Controller". The terms "we", "us" and "our" in this Privacy Policy refer to the Data Controller.
As the person responsible for processing your Personal Data, we do everything in our power to protect your privacy when you visit the Site.
This Policy allows you to learn more about the origin and use of your Personal Data and your browsing information processed when you visit our Site.
For the purposes of this Policy, the term "Personal Data" refers to any data relating to you in isolation and allowing you to be identified directly or indirectly, regardless of the Terminal you are using.
The term "Terminal" refers to the physical equipment (computer, tablet, smartphone, telephone, etc.) that you use to view and browse the Site.
The term "Regulation" refers to the regulation on personal data and, in particular, to Regulation no. 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation, the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 and the French Act no. 2018-493 on the protection of personal data.
By using our Site, you declare that you accept the terms of this Policy in full.
If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are free to stop using our Site.
This Privacy Policy is updated regularly. So that you are properly informed of any significant changes in advance, we will notify you by means of notices on the relevant services or by e-mail, as appropriate.
The Website will always display the most up-to-date version of this Privacy Policy.
1. Protection of your personal data
In accordance with the Regulation, we list all processing operations carried out in a processing register which we make available to the competent authorities.
All the information you may have provided us with during your visits to the Site is strictly confidential. This information is necessary for the purpose of processing it.
1.1 What Personal Data is collected and processed?
The information that may be collected and processed is as follows:
- Identification and contact details: your first name, surname, gender, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, language and the country from which you interact with us;- Financial and payment data: your bank details (in this regard, we inform you that all payment transactions are encrypted by the receiving bank or accredited storage centre and that we do not store any credit card numbers), information about your bookings, etc;- Link, geolocalisation (only with your consent) and browsing data; and- Personal preferences: This includes your cookie preferences.
When we ask you to enter your personal data to access a feature, some data are mandatory fields, as they are data we need to allow you to access this feature (for example, to register your booking we need your first name and surname).
It is important that the personal information shared about you is correct and up-to-date.
We do not process any personal data that may qualify as "sensitive" (information relating to racial or ethnic origin, political, philosophical or religious opinions, trade union membership, health or sex life) within the meaning of the Personal Data Regulations.
In this regard, it is specified that our Site is not intended for children and that we therefore do not process any data relating to them.
We undertake not to transfer your personal data to third parties, unless otherwise specified in Article 1.3.
1.2 For what purposes are your Personal Data collected and processed?
The Personal Data listed above may be collected and processed for the following purposes:
Booking management
The processing of your data is necessary to keep you informed about the status of your booking, summarise your booking, accept your payment, etc.
Access to customer service
We process your Personal Data as part of our customer service to respond to your requests, in particular using the contact form.
Improving our services
We process your browsing and booking data for analysis and statistics. This data allows us to analyse how you use our site and improve its ergonomics and quality.
As part of your subscription to our newsletter, we process your data to manage your subscription and send you specific information by e-mail or SMS according to your preferences. We may also contact you via push notifications if you subscribe to this service.
Processing for marketing purposes requires your consent. You can therefore unsubscribe from our communications at any time.
If you have given us your consent to receive communications from us, via our newsletter or push notifications, we may use the information you have provided for the following purposes:
- Sharing information about our events, products, services and current offers;- Recommendations about certain products or services that may be of interest to you; and- Customer research to better understand your expectations regarding the products and services offered by our Site.
1.3 Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?
While using our website, you may receive information from third parties with whom we collaborate to offer you certain services. These may be
- make the payment in the case of financial institutions and accredited storage centres;check your credit and identity with fraud detection and prevention organisations; and- optimise your experience on our Site and improve our services for service providers related to marketing, communication and advertising.
We ask third parties who receive your personal data to undertake to comply with the Personal Data Regulation. The third parties listed above may only use your personal information in accordance with our instructions and not for their own use.
Your login and browsing data may also be transferred to Google Analytics.
We may also disclose your Personal Data to respond to an injunction from legal authorities.
1.4 How long do we keep your Personal Data?
We will keep your data for a period of ten (10) years after your last booking, to answer any questions or complaints or to keep all the data necessary to fulfil legal, accounting or analytical requirements (article L.123-22 of the French Commercial Code).
We may also keep your data for research or statistical analysis; it will then be anonymised.
As part of a subscription to our newsletter, we will not contact you again if you have not opened our newsletters for more than twelve (12) months.
Any changes to this Policy will be made on this page and will be sent to you by e-mail in the event of a material change.
The Data Controller may also keep your data for research or statistical analysis. As these are then anonymised, no retention period is imposed by the Regulations, as it is no longer possible to "re-identify" you at a later date.

1.5. Hosting of your Personal Data
Your Personal Data is hosted by Heroku Inc. The Landmark @ 1 Market St., Suite 300, San Francisco, CA, 94105, United States.
The servers on which your Personal Data is stored are located in Frankfurt, Germany.
In any case, the Data Controller has implemented appropriate technical measures to maintain the security of your Personal Data.
1.6. What are your rights?
1.6.1 Consent
Your consent must be given clearly and unequivocally. That is why, when you agree to fill in the Site's contact form
- you are informed about how your Personal Data will be used;- you have to tick a box to validate your consent; and- children under the age of 13 cannot give their consent.
1.6.2 Other rights
In accordance with the Regulations, you have the following rights over your Personal Data:
- Right of access to data: this right allows you to receive a copy of the Personal Data we hold about you;- Right of rectification: this right gives you the possibility to request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data concerning you;- Right to delete your Personal Data: this right gives you the possibility to ask us to delete your Personal Data if one of the legal grounds is met:
the Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purposes of the processing;you have withdrawn your consent on which the processing is based;you have objected to the processing operation through your right to object;the processing of your Personal Data is unlawful; oryour Personal Data must be erased under a legal obligation.
- Right to limit the processing of your Personal Data; this limitation of processing can be realised when:
you contest the accuracy of your Personal Data;you do not object to the deletion of your Personal Data in the context of unlawful processing, but demand that it be limited;your Personal Data is no longer used by our services, but its storage is only necessary for the recognition, exercise or defence of legal claims; oryou object to the use of your Personal Data through your right to object.
- Right to portability of your Personal Data: you can contact us to have your Personal Data provided to you or directly to another controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format;
- Right to object: you can contact us when
processing is carried out in the public interest or for the purposes of our legitimate interests; you can object only on grounds relating to your situation; orthe processing is carried out for commercial prospecting purposes; you can object to this at any time and without being given any explanation.
- Right to determine the fate of your Personal Data after your death (the Electronic Will): one of the specific features of French law is that it allows you to send us your instructions regarding how we will process your Personal Data after your death. As such, you can choose whether it is deleted or passed on to one of your relatives.
Regardless of the purpose or legal basis according to which we process your data, you can therefore, at any time and free of charge, send us an e-mail to benefit from your rights at the following address: [email protected]
Or send us a letter to the following address:
Rua EM564 N67 5000-325 Mondrões
However, please note that we may not always be able to respond positively to your request for legal reasons which we will draw to your attention, if necessary, once we have received your request.
In any case, please note that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent administrative authority.
1.7 What are the legal grounds for processing?
For the processing of your data, we base ourselves on legal grounds that depend on the way you interact with our Site.
When you purchase products from our Site, we collect and process your personal data in order to fulfil the contract between us and you. For example, we need your postal details to deliver your parcel or your bank details to process payment.
We also rely on other legal grounds, such as your legitimate interests. For example, we consider it in your interest that your identity cannot be used for fraudulent purposes, that our customer service team has access to your order information in order to provide you with better services or that we can better understand your use of our Site in order to improve its usability and the services we offer you.
Finally, with regard to the processing of Personal Data for prospecting purposes, the legal basis for processing is your consent (see Article 1.6.1. above).
2. Internet browsing security
2.1 Integrity of your data on the Internet
The Site has appropriate security measures in place to prevent any loss, unauthorised use or access, modification or disclosure of your Personal Data
All personal data collected is stored on secure servers. The Data Controller has also implemented procedures to manage any personal data breach.
2.2 Malicious use
It is recommended that you only connect to secure networks, preferably private ones. Be aware of the risks involved in public Wi-Fi networks.
Irrespective of the Data Controller to whom you have voluntarily transmitted your Personal Data and taking into account the nature of the Internet network, other operators, without any connection to the Data Controller, may collect it without your consent, in particular during your Internet browsing. We therefore recommend that you install anti-virus and anti-spyware software on your computer and update it regularly.
2.3 Usurpation/Phishing
The Data Controller will never ask you for personal information by e-mail.
If you receive an e-mail on behalf of the Data Controller asking you to provide sensitive personal information (bank details, data relating to your personal life, etc.), do not reply and forward this e-mail to us so that we can take the necessary action.
You should only provide your account information once you have logged in to the Site directly via your browser.
3. Cookie policy
A cookie is a text file that can be stored in a dedicated space on your Terminal's hard drive when you visit a website. A cookie allows its issuer to identify the Terminal on which it is stored, for the duration of the cookie's validity or registration.
When you consult the Site, information related to browsing your Terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) may be recorded through cookies installed on your Terminal, according to the choices you have made regarding cookies and which you can modify at any time.
3.1 What are cookies used for on our Site?
It is likely that only the issuer of a cookie will read or modify the information contained therein.
When you connect to the Site, the Data Controller may, subject to your choices, install various cookies on your Terminal in order to recognise your Terminal's browser during the validity period of the cookie in question. The cookies we issue are used for the purposes described below.
The cookies we issue allow us to
carry out studies and establish statistics and volumes of visits and use of the various elements that make up our Site (sections and content visited, routes), allowing the Data Controller to improve the interest and ergonomics of its services;adapt the presentation of the Site to the display preferences of your Terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) when you visit the Site, depending on the display or reading hardware and software your Terminal contains; andimplement security measures, for example when you are asked to reconnect to content or a service after a certain period of time.
3.2 Your choices regarding cookies
There are several ways to manage cookies. Any settings you select may affect your Internet browsing and your access to certain services that require the use of cookies.
You can choose, at any time, to express and modify your wishes regarding cookies through the means described below.
In particular, you can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored on your Terminal or, on the contrary, so that they are rejected, systematically or according to their origin.
You can also configure your browser software so that you are offered the option of accepting or rejecting cookies occasionally, before a cookie is likely to be stored on your Device. For more information, see "How to make your choices depending on the browser you use" in Article 4.2.3 below.
3.2.1 The cookie agreement
The recording of a cookie on a Terminal is essentially subject to the will of the Terminal user, who can express and modify it at any time and free of charge through the choices offered to them by their browser software.
If you have accepted the registration of cookies in your browser, on your Terminal, the cookies embedded in the pages and content you have viewed may be temporarily stored in a dedicated area of your Terminal. They will only be readable by your transmitter.
3.2.2 Refusal of cookies
If you refuse to accept cookies on your Terminal, or delete cookies already stored on your Terminal, the quality of the functioning of the services offered by the Site will not be jeopardised.
However, you will no longer be able to benefit from various functionalities that may be necessary to navigate certain areas of the Site. This would happen if you tried to access content or services for which the installation of cookies is strictly necessary (for example, booking a stay). This would also be the case if the Data Controller - or its service providers - could not recognise, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser used by your Terminal, its language and display settings or the country from which your Terminal appears to be connected to the Internet.
If necessary, the Data Controller declines any responsibility relating to the consequences for the operation of its services resulting from the impossibility of registering or consulting the cookies necessary for its operation and which it has refused or deleted.
We would like to emphasise that some cookies cannot be deleted as they are strictly necessary for the technical operation of the Site.
3.2.3 How do you make your choices depending on the browser you use?
For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in your browser's help menu, which will let you know how to change your cookie preferences.
For Internet Explorer:
For Safari:
For Google Chrome :
For Firefox :
3.2.4 Deleting your cookies
You can delete all your cookies or just the ones you want. Deleting cookies does not prevent browsing or reinstalling them while browsing. This allows you to control your browser's cookie library at any time. Technical cookies, which are necessary for browsing, will be reinstalled if you visit the Site.
Below, we explain the procedure to follow, depending on your browser.
Google Chrome
In the Google Chrome menu, select "Settings".Display advanced settingsGo to the "Confidentiality" sectionClick on "Content settings".In the "Cookies" paragraph (first paragraph), click on "Cookies and site data".Find the cookies you want to delete and click "OK". You can also choose to delete all your cookies.
In the Firefox menu, go to "Tools" and then "Options.On the "Privacy" tab, click on "Show cookies".Find the cookies you want to delete and click on "Delete Cookies".
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer does not allow you to manage cookies on a case-by-case basis. To delete all your cookies:
Click on "Tools" and then on "Internet Options".On the "General" tab, under "Browsing history", click on "Delete".Tick the "Cookies" box and click "Delete".
In the Safari menu, select "Preferences".In the window that opens, go to the "Security" tabClick on "Show cookies".In the window that opens, locate and select the cookies you want to delete and click on "Delete".
3.2.5 Private browsing
The "private browsing" mode, now offered by all browsers, allows you to browse the Internet without keeping a history of pages visited or downloads. With regard to cookies, all cookies that have been saved during your browsing will be deleted when you close your browser. It is therefore not a solution to refuse cookies; however, their useful life remains limited to the duration of your browsing.
3.2.6 Disabling third-party cookies
Deactivating third-party cookies makes it possible to accept only cookies placed by the Site, which you also have the option of deactivating, deleting or limiting. 
Here is the procedure to follow, depending on your browser, if you wish to refuse third-party cookies:
Google Chrome
In the Google Chrome menu, select "Settings".Display advanced settingsGo to the "Confidentiality" sectionClick on "Content settings"In the "Cookies" paragraph (first paragraph), click on "Cookies and site data".Find the cookies you want to delete and click "OK". You can also choose to delete all your cookies.
In the Firefox menu, go to "Tools" and then "Options".On the "Privacy" tab, tick the "Accept cookies" box.For the "Accept third-party cookies" setting, select "Never".Save your changes by clicking "OK".
Internet Explorer
In the Internet Explorer menu, go to "Internet" OptionsIn the "Privacy" tab, click on the "Advanced" buttonAccept internal cookies, reject third-party cookiesSave your changes by clicking on "OK".
In the Safari menu, select "Preferences".In the window that opens, go to the "Security" tabTo choose "Accept cookies", select "Only on websites I visit".
3.2.7 Your choices expressed online directly with us
If you do not wish
that we collect data about your browsing,that, in the context of a registration through a special operation, we can identify the original special operation,
you can choose to deactivate all third-party cookies that are not essential for browsing the Site.
We will then store a cookie on your Terminal, the sole purpose of which is to deactivate the placement of these cookies on your computer. This cookie will be valid for twelve (12) months.
Please note that the consideration of your wish is based on a cookie. If you delete all cookies stored on your Device (via your browser), the Data Controller - or its service providers - will no longer know that you have chosen this option.