A Quinta

With certified organic farming and using permaculture principles, our farm strives to preserve the ancestral and the local. An example of this is our Maronês cattle, named after the Serra do Marão, which perfectly portrays this primitive, mountain breed.

Every day on the farm is different: you learn to live in harmony with nature, which is constantly changing, but at a slow pace.

We invite our guests to experience the farm, to live the countryside, to take part in our work and to harvest what we plant.

The vegetable garden

We produce various vegetables throughout the year. Each season has its own charm and its own "star" product in the garden.

We invite you to take advantage of the season: in the summer, toasted bread with freshly picked tomatoes, a drizzle of olive oil and fleur de sel is a delicacy.

In winter, a simple, hearty soup in an iron pot, made with potatoes, cabbage and beans, warms us from the inside and perpetuates memories.


Covering around 9 hectares of native oak woodland ( Quercus pyrenaica), our forest stretches as far as the Ribeira das Marinheiras - a serene and contemplative spot.

This woodland was born naturally and today completely covers the terraced land that was once used for agricultural production.


The Maronese cattle, our donkeys, goats, sheep and chickens are in charge of keeping the woods clean, the grass cut and the trees pruned.

They all live freely in nature, respecting their spaces.


With our vegetable garden and orchard in constant production, we naturally apply the farm-to-table concept.
By favouring our organic, fresh and seasonal ingredients, we are also making a commitment to quality, sustainability and connection with the land

What's more, with our private chef service you can enjoy a gourmet dining experience.


Every place has a unique narrative, full of events, traditions and personalities that reflect its identity.
That's why we're endeavouring to preserve the memories of Quinta da Tojeira and are working to soon have a publication available with its history.


Respecting local traditions allows us to connect with our cultural identity, share values, customs and wisdom accumulated over the centuries.
What's more, it's a way of honouring those who came before us: recognising their contributions and keeping their legacy alive. 


Ensuring a balance between present and future needs helps us not to jeopardise future generations. 
We use clean and renewable energy sources, such as biomass and solar panels, which allow us to significantly reduce our carbon footprint and minimise our environmental impact.